Living Wills in New Jersey

At Parsons & Nardelli, we know the uncertainty that can result when a loved one is gravely injured or suffering from a terminal illness. As probate attorneys in New Jersey, we help our clients avoid the pain of that uncertainty with the drafting of living wills.

A living will, sometimes known as an “advance health care directive,” is a written statement of how you wish to be treated in certain medical situations. With the advances made by medical science, people are living longer than ever before, with many options for treatment to prolong or sustain life. However, in the event of injury or illness, there may be some treatment options that you do not wish to receive. Living wills in New Jersey allow you to express your wishes as to treatment.

A living will permits you to decide in advance whether you wish to be given life-sustaining treatments in the event you are injured, become terminally ill, or suffer from a medical condition that leaves you with no detectable brain activity. “Life-sustaining” treatments are those efforts that will keep you alive, but will not cure your medical condition. For example, in your living will, you may state that you do not wish to receive treatments such as ventilators, respirators, intravenous feeding should they become necessary. A living will does not, however, mean that medical professionals will not provide pain medication and otherwise make you as comfortable as possible.

A living will applies in situations where the use of such treatments may prolong your life and where the refusal of such treatments would lead to your death. Living wills do not apply to medical treatments that do not affect your continued life. The decision as to whether your medical condition is life-threatening and thus whether your treatment should be subject to the preferences expressed in your living will is made by medical professionals.

New Jersey Wills Law

Parsons & Nardelli are New Jersey will attorneys who can provide a living will based on your wishes. Generally, the document must have two witnesses. In many states, the witnesses cannot be persons entitled to inherit from you, either by will or by New Jersey law, cannot be relatives, or those responsible for your medical bills. You should keep your living will with your other important papers, and consider providing a copy to your regular physician. If you are admitted to a hospital, you should bring your living will with you and have the hospital make it part of your medical files.

Dedicated assistance with your living will in Red Bank, NJ

For more information about New Jersey will law, contact our lawyers at Parsons & Nardelli to assist in the preparation of your living will at 888-309–5589, or email us.

Contact the Firm


Parsons & Nardelli


151 Bodman Place,
The Coastal Building, Suite 302,
Red Bank, New Jersey 07701

